Valeria "Fenix" Ayala

Musician, Graphic Designer, Radio Show Host, Streamer, Entrepreneur, Writer, H-Town Made.


Designer in Sports

Shown to the left is a few of my works done as practice or my own page for different sporting events. I spend my time outside of projects, refining my design language and specialty pieces by designing for Houston major league team games as well as other various events. 

Cap Designer

Shown to the right is a few of my New Era fitted cap designs. As well as designing posters for sports games, I design custom caps. Each design shown here was made initially as a concept and is not with the intention of being avaliable to purchase. Here is a few of my designs.

Note: Heights Football Graphic remained unused due to the damage in Spring/Summer 2024 to Delmar Stadium, which resulted in the schedule changing without warning.

Designs for others

Shown to the left is a few of my designs made for other groups or projects I've been a part of. Some are conceptual and/or unused while others can be found online and in use right now. While these center around sports, I have done various other projects outside of sports that I choose to remain uncredited for.

Additionally, I do logo design. I have no work to show here besides be own brandmarks due to the majority of my portfolio consisting of the now indefinitely suspended Pedestal Gaming Organization which I founded, co-owned, and completely designed from the ground up.



I'll put more here but later, in the meantime you should listen to KILLMAX's new album, THOUGHT YOU CHANGED. or Surg1's latest album Until I Almost Lost Myself. (Links go to Spotify)